PRODUCT UPDATE: Forest Systems Announces Release of Forest Documents

Mountain View, CA: June 14, 2024

The Forest Systems team is excited to announce the release of the new functionality, Forest Documents, a module now available to our current clients in their respective Forest platforms.

Why Forest Documents, why now 

Our team built this new Documents functionality as a way to harness the power of one of our business world’s biggest digital transformations happening right now – AI. 

There are tremendous benefits for clients who actively use Forest Documents, but the biggest benefit: saving time, space and energy organizing and searching your data for accounting information. 

Three actions Forest Documents does for you now:

  • UPLOAD: Upload your .xlxs, PDF, etc. individual files or folders with multiple files. 
  • DELETE AND MOVE: Delete and/or move files with ease and peace of mind – our system securely stores your client folder on AWS server.
  • STORE, SEARCH & FIND: Forest Documents stores and organizes information by entity. Additional folders can be created within the entity for a customized organizational experience. 

Two actions Forest Documents will be able to do for you in the future: 

  • PREVIEW FIRST: Preview your documents before downloading them, saving time and space.
  • ATTACH & UN-ATTACH: Attach and/or un-attach documents to payee/payors, transactions, and accounts.

How Forest Documents works
Once a client’s key documents are on the Forest platform, a client can utilize Forest’s AI models to view documents and release accounting data accordingly. This is a faster way to access important accounting information in documents versus reading and searching yourself for the data. 

Special note: For select Enterprise Edition subscribers, Forest is pleased to offer access to Documents for 30 days at no cost. Please reach out to us directly if you’re interested in this offer. 

What’s next for Forest Systems 

Stay tuned for more announcements about the Forest Financial Academy and the upcoming release of the Forest AI module.